Charris Efthimiou, born in Greece in 1978, studied composition in Graz with Beat Furrer and Georg Friedrich Haas.
In 2003 he received the award for composition of the city of Graz, in 2009 a scholarship from the province of Styria for a scientific project on Mozart's symphonies. Since 2011 he is lecturer at the University of Music Graz.
Works for the Ensemble Wiener Collage:
Jedenfalls: die Feier wird fortgesetzt. (2008)
für 2 Violinen, Cello, Saxophon, Trompete und Klavier
Connery Row (2010)
für Klarinette, Saxophon, Akkordeon und Klavier
KIC8462852 (2017/18)
für Ensemble