Jaime Wolfson


Jaime Wolfson, born in Mexico, is a pianist, conductor and composer. He studied at the University of Music Vienna and at the Bruckner University Linz.

An interpretation course with György Kurtág during the Vienna Festival of Contemporary Piano Music had a special influence on him. Kurtág im Rahmen der Wiener Tage der Zeitgenössischen Klaviermusik.

He got the most important insights of conducting directly from his work with the Ensemble Wiener Collage (since 2002) with the conductor René Staar.

He received composition scholarships from FONCAFONCA-Mexico, the Czibulka Foundation, and the Mozart Association Vienna, the the Theodor Körner Prize, a scholarship from the Chancellery for Art and Culture, and 2013 the State Scholarship for Composition. 2013 das Staatstipendium für Komposition. 

Jaime Wolfson is co-founder and director of the Ensemble Platypus.

Works for the Ensemble Wiener Collage:

Vorahnung (2007)
für Trompete, Violoncello und Klavier

Recuerdan… (sie erinnern sich…) (2010)
für Flöte, Klarinette, Schlagwerk, Klavier, Sprechstimme und Streichquartett; Text: J. Herbert

El Arpa Verde (2018)
für Ensemble

Sehnsucht nach Licht - Schamasch (2018)
für Sprechstimme Gesang, Klarinette, Akkordeon, Klavier, 2 Violinen und Cello